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Hacker News

Google removed my Yubikeys from a google account 'Just to be safe'

  • It's boxing day and I'm at home trying to look at some old youtube videos on an old google account. I accidentally stumble into the world's worst security flow instead
  • As google has no support channels I can use, my only recourse is to write this blog post and hope someone sees it

I'm Done With Google

  • After spending ages, I eventually give up. The visiting slot to see my auntie is approaching, there is too little time left. So I pirate the movie (please don't arrest me, it's google's fault). Now she has an mp4 on her tablet that will always work.
  • Google is contributing to the destruction of the concept of ownership, as are many services of the modern age. I will no longer support them, and I encourage you to do the same

Notifications: why less is more — how Facebook has been increasing both user satisfaction and app usage by sending only a few notifications

  • Facebook Notifications Data Science team at Meta
  • sending only a few notifications would immediately result in reduced product visits
  • One drawback of A/B testing is that the experiment duration is typically brief (a few weeks or months, for example), making it impossible to detect if the result is purely due to novelty effect, or real change of user satisfaction with our product
  • In other words, long-term effects may be different from short-term effects, or even the opposite. It may take time for people to adapt to the change. Our results suggest people will eventually return and become even more engaged with Facebook if the change truly improves their experience.

Shortest Time-to-Launch

  • Frontend web framework: NextJS/Vercel (Past: Ruby on Rails/Heroku)
  • Personal site: Webflow (Past: Squarespace)
  • Personal blog (non-technical): Substack (Past: WordPress)
  • Personal blog (static, self-hosted): GitHub Pages + Jekyll (Past: Nginx public www)
  • Scheduled Job: AWS Lambda (Linux + cron)
  • Webhook: AWS Lambda
  • Host a model: HuggingFace
  • Basic analysis on a small dataset: Excel, jq, pandas in Python (Past: Excel)
  • SQL Database: SQLite (Past: PostgreSQL)
  • Stack: JAMStack (Past: MEAN, LAMP)
  • Backend as a Service: Supabase (past: Firebase)
  • Authentication: Auth0, Cognito (past: social sign in, manual)