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US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge rules

A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.

While prohibiting the possession of an at-home still meant to distill beverage alcohol might be convenient to protect tax revenue on spirits, it is not a sufficiently clear corollary to the positive power of laying and collecting taxes

The economics of a Postgres free tier

We use shared clusters

Our default Postgres cluster uses db.t4g.medium instances, which cost us around 70permonthatondemandpricing(ignoringreservedinstancesfornowforsimplicity).Sincewerun3instances,thecostpermonthis70 per month at on-demand pricing (ignoring reserved instances for now for simplicity). Since we run 3 instances, the cost per month is 210 for the Postgres part. For OpenSearch, we use r6gd.large.search instance types, which cost about 140permonth.Againwehave3nodes,sothecostfortheOpenSearchpartis140 per month. Again we have 3 nodes, so the cost for the OpenSearch part is 420/month. This means the "BoM" cost for one Postgres+OpenSearch cluster is around $630/month

= $0.315 per month

0.3150.315-1.8, but more closer to the front


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