I am sick of the fuzz and buzz of Silicon Valley. I don't care about YC. I don't care about VC parties. I don't need funding. I'll do it by myself.
- anti-preneur
- Dilemmas of Free stuffs
- 잡스와 생존 편향 (19誠鉉)을 생각하며 항상 의구심을 가지자
- 강기업이 목표다. 가급적이면 강소기업.
- Bootstrap. 결국 VC는 외부인이다
- Dilemmas of Technopreneur. 하지만 기술 중독에 걸리지 않도록 조심하자.
- Antifragile. 위기가 아니라 버그 리포트이다
- Groupthink. 자신만 믿는 비전을 굳세게 미는 사람은 실패할 수 밖에 없다
- Battle of Flow and Asana. 하지만 이런 예시도 있다는 것을 기억하자
- 강력반권
- 강력하게 미약한 도구들. Do one small thing, but surprisingly well
"I want to write a book, if only because I see so much bullshit going around in the world of startups and tech. The media is presenting startups in the wrong way. People think they need to build billion-dollar companies. They must fly to San Francisco, build a "network," and get a 10 million dollar investment from old rich guys. They need to hire 10x power developers and work them for 100-hour work weeks while feeding them pizza and soda. It will be great, they said.
But it won't. It'll probably suck. And you won't get rich because the odds of a venture capital (VC) funded startup are stacked against you. Only 10% or less exit doesn't tell you if the founders make good money. There are giant company exits where the founders barely make money. That's why I'm writing this. To show you, you might be able to do it differently." — MAKE: The Indie Maker Handbook, by Pieter Levels.
"Here's the number I used to win the lottery"
–Entrepreneurs giving advice
— Andrew Wilkinson (@awilkinson) September 30, 2022
Many such cases
— Ana Mostarac (@anammostarac) August 10, 2023