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Government as a Service


"Government as a Service" (GaaS) is a governance model where citizens can choose their government service provider, similar to a mobile carrier or internet service. This model aims to create a more competitive, efficient, and responsive system of governance by allowing governments to compete for citizens by offering tailored services, policies, and benefits. Citizens would be free to switch their allegiance to the government that best meets their needs and values.

Key arguments

  1. Increased competition leading to innovation and improved governance
  2. Greater accountability and transparency
  3. Customized governance based on individual preferences
  4. Potential for policy experimentation and discovery of best practices
  5. Enhanced global mobility and flexibility for citizens

But the GaaS idea is still in the infancy phase and is vulnerable to:

  1. Monopoly (i.e., technology-governance or industry-governance collusion)
  2. Potential for social fragmentation and instability
  3. Risk of a "race to the bottom" in terms of regulations and standards
  4. Exacerbation of inequality, as wealthy individuals and corporations could more easily opt for favorable jurisdictions
  5. Challenges to traditional democratic processes and representation
  6. Difficulty in addressing global challenges requiring coordination and cooperation

GaaS could weaken traditional nation-states by separating citizenship from territorial sovereignty. This could lead to a fragmented international system and amplify existing power imbalances. Wealthy individuals and corporations may have an unfair advantage in finding favorable governance environments and concentrating resources and influence among a small elite.

Implementing GaaS within the current world system would be challenging and risky. The potential benefits of increased choice, innovation, and efficiency must be weighed against the dangers of social fragmentation, inequality, and the erosion of nation-state sovereignty. Ultimately, the success of GaaS would depend on developing robust international frameworks and safeguards to manage these risks and ensure a stable, fair, and sustainable global governance system. Without careful planning and execution, GaaS could lead to a more divided and unstable world order, undermining its intended goals.

Notion of Territories?

The conflicts between different territories and networks would be too great. The most significant and valuable service a government can provide to its citizens is the protection of their jurisdiction and physical safety. To secure that, either one of the two should happen.

In both scenarios, we need flexible legal frameworks and dispute-resolution mechanisms that adapt to new territorial paradigms. Governments must collaborate and coordinate across multiple jurisdictions while providing security and stability. We must shift our understanding of citizenship, identity, and belonging and develop new social and political organization forms that transcend geographic boundaries. The success of GaaS depends on our ability to use technology to build a fair, equal, and sustainable global society.

Modular and federative territories (spaceship civilization)

In this scenario, humans would adopt a more decentralized, modular approach to territory, perhaps by developing self-sufficient, mobile habitats or space colonies. Each module could function as its micro-territory with its local governance structure and services. These modules could then be federated into more extensive networks or constellations based on shared interests, values, or economic ties.


  • Allows for a high degree of customization and experimentation in governance models
  • Reduces the risk of large-scale territorial conflicts
  • Enables citizens to relocate to modules that align with their preferences easily
  • Promotes self-sufficiency and resilience in the face of external threats or disruptions


  • Requires significant advances in space technology and infrastructure
  • May lead to a fragmentation of human society and culture
  • Could exacerbate inequality if access to space habitats is limited to wealthy individuals or groups

Transportation technology singularity (teleportation)

If humans were to achieve a breakthrough in transportation technology, such as the development of teleportation, it could fundamentally reshape our relationship with territory. Instant, low-cost transportation would allow citizens to live and work anywhere on the planet (or beyond) while still accessing the services and protection of their chosen government.


  • Eliminates the need for physical proximity to access government services
  • Reduces the importance of geographic boundaries and territorial disputes
  • Enables citizens to easily "vote with their feet" and relocate to jurisdictions that best serve their needs
  • Promotes global integration and cultural exchange


  • Requires a massive leap in scientific understanding and technological capabilities
  • May have unintended consequences for social cohesion and community ties
  • Could create new forms of inequality based on access to teleportation technology

The Omnipotent Power and De-facto base-country?

A dominant superpower could emerge, effectively becoming the de facto base country for the global governance system. This superpower could leverage its technological and political advantages to establish an omnipotent presence and significantly influence the GaaS landscape.

As countries begin to specialize in providing specific services to attract citizens, the superpower may employ a strategy of "infiltration" through technology-political collusion. For instance, the superpower could develop an innovative cure for a prevalent, life-threatening disease like cancer. However, access to this cure would be contingent upon individuals being taxpaying citizens of the superpower for an extended period, say 20 years.

Faced with such a scenario, many people would feel compelled to pledge allegiance to the superpower to gain access to this life-saving treatment. The superpower would thus be able to manipulate the GaaS system, effectively forcing individuals to become citizens and pay taxes to maintain access to essential services.

This situation could lead to a rogue state characterized by a cutthroat, "kill or be killed" mentality among competing nations. As the superpower consolidates its dominance, other countries may resort to increasingly desperate and unethical measures to retain their citizens and attract new ones. This could give rise to rampant anticompetitive behaviors, such as price gouging, service discrimination, and the formation of exclusionary alliances.

In this dystopian GaaS world, the principles of choice, competition, and collaboration that underpin the system would be severely undermined. The superpower's infiltration tactics and the resulting anticompetitive practices would create a highly unequal and unstable global governance landscape, with citizens effectively held hostage by the system that was supposed to empower them.

To prevent this bleak outcome, the GaaS system must be designed with robust safeguards and checks and balances to prevent the emergence of a single dominant power. This may require the development of innovative governance structures, such as decentralized autonomous governments, global governance consortia, or fractal governance networks, which prioritize transparency, inclusivity, and adaptability.

By proactively addressing the risks of power concentration and anti-competitive behavior, the GaaS system can be steered towards a more equitable and sustainable future where citizens have genuine choice and agency in selecting their governance providers and where collaboration and competition can coexist in a healthy, balanced manner.

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