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Person 5DBDAE

  • Interviewed on 2022-09-13
  • Currently works at Marvell Semiconductors

Academia. I studied Applied Engineering in Physics for a while in Academia. I wanted to focus on something that has more emphasis on Academia rather than on the industry. I remember enjoying Logic Designs and Computer Architecture; with my physics background, I decided to study electrical computing. There aren't many things you can do in clubs in EE. I worked in campus research labs and was introduced to Marvell by a professor. I got rejected initially but got a return offer, and now I am working at Marvell.

Interview. Electrical engineering questions, like logic designs and semiconductor units.

Responsibilities. I create functional Simulations models for semiconductors. For fabless labs, you have to write semiconductor software before getting your hands on the fabricated chips from the factory. I write software to simulate semiconductors that helps program semiconductors without semiconductors.

Recommendations. Meet a lot of people.

💙I love my job because...

Marvell has a great culture and personal space respect. A lot of people are international. People help out a lot.