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Project Heimdall failed because of its languid pace.

Now, I have gathered much more insight ever since... so let the Rewrite begin.

  • Data Provider
    • Hacker News
    • Internet News
    • WHOIS
  • 'Run every' option


SignalKite has "Kites" that users can create. For example, if I'm interested in "Medical AI startups", I can create a Kite for that. The Kite will search the web regularly about it and notify you when it finds something. Kites will have "stories" which are lists of results. Each story represents a single result.

Kites can have multiple "Scouts" which are the actual searches and notifications. Users can create "Schedules" for Kites to run on a regular basis. Users can also create "NotificationChannels" to receive notifications.

A Schedule is a cron job that runs a Kite on a regular basis. Multiple kites can be run on the same schedule. If then, each kite will have its own Scout, but they will be sent at once. In this case, if it's Slack or SMS, the each story will be sent as a separate message. If it's email, all stories, across all Kites will be sent in a single email.

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Run by a human

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