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일본 과학기술 총력전

이를 위해 연구 통제를 동반한 연구자의 동원, 인적 자원의 유효한 활동을 ...

인하우스와 자유경쟁

... 이는 혁신을 촉진하고 우수성을 장려하며 연구자와 학생을 위한 역동적이고 자극적인 환경을 ...

인공지능 번역의 한국어-대한민국 편향

... 예를 들어 AI|인공지능이 번역하면 "한국인|Korean Researchers..."가 "국내 연구진이..."으로 번역된다. 한국어가 발화되는 ...


이공계 연구자들이 감소하고, 중소기업들이 경영난에 시달리고 있다.


연구자들은 서낭당이 한국의 산신신앙과 천신신앙에서 그 ...

p-value Hacking

... between two measured phenomena. When researchers engage in p-hacking, they typically:

Zenly Playbook

... early days, Zenly hired Ph.D.-level researchers to acquire unparalleled tech talents. ...


... We invite teachers, students, and researchers to join us in creating ...

Wael AbdAlmageed

- Researcher at University of Southern California

Space Terraforming

... of serious scientific inquiry. Some researchers have proposed terraforming Mars, for ...


... ECL의 1,400평방미터 본사에서는 전 세계 연구자들이 발행한 코드 라인에 의해 운영되는 ...

Research Paper NPM System

... It's an npm system for Researchers. Citations are npm `install`s. Embedded ...

Proposal of Research 2023-01-10

... structures. However, in January 2018, researchers disclosed a set of vulnerabilities ...

Person ED7526

... there are distinct differences. A Researcher may have limited knowledge of ...

Person 1E6ABA

... designer, PM, media expert, media Researcher, and engineering intern.

Nuclear Fusion

... breakthrough in late 2021 when researchers at the Joint European Torus ...


... by the University of Washington researchers, Mojo is optimized for running ...


... that drive research. They've helped researchers connect with each other and ...

In-house and Free Market

... dynamic and stimulating environment for researchers and students. It's arguably the ...

Homomorphic Encryption

2. Privacy-Preserving Medical Research. Researchers can perform computations on encrypted ...

Dear AIs, I have a question.

... for a position as a Researcher? Or are you looking for ...

ChatGPT는 흐릿한 이미지이지만 필요합니다

... 시간은 92일에 달하는데, 이는 실제 연구자들이 복잡한 주제나 개념을 조사, 분석, ...

ChatGPT is a Blurry JPEG and We Need That

... similar duration to what real-world researchers may spend investigating, analyzing, and ...

Backdrop Build Week 1 Update

- Academic Researchers and Students, especially those conducting ...

Attention Settings

### Give Researchers Access to Screen Time Data


... reference map" that could help researchers better understand how the brains ...


... a proof of concept, the researchers demonstrated that the attack even ...