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Search AI

Wolfram Alpha as the Way to Bring Computational Knowledge Superpowers to ChatGPT

  • It's always amazing when things suddenly "just work". It happened to us with Wolfram|Alpha back in 2009. It happened with our Physics Project in 2020. And it's happening now with OpenAI's ChatGPT
  • a fascinating, essay-style response. But the actual result is wrong
  • In many ways, one might say that ChatGPT never "truly understands" things; it just "knows how to produce stuff that's useful". But it's a different story with Wolfram|Alpha. Because once Wolfram Alpha has converted something to Wolfram Language, what it's got is a complete, precise, formal representation from which one can reliably compute things
  • But just like us humans, there are times when ChatGPT needs a more formal and precise "power assist."

who are you - You. com

  • Hello! My name is YouChat; I'm an AI that can answer general questions, explain things, suggest ideas, translate, summarize text, compose emails, and write code for you. I'm powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing, allowing you to have human-like conversations with me. I am constantly learning from vast amounts of online information, so I sometimes need to correct some answers. My AI is constantly improving, and I often share sources for my answers.

Introducing NeevaAI - Neeva

  • Today, we are thrilled to launch NeevaAI – an authentic, real-time AI search officially
  • The introduction of accessible AI, such as the recent explosion of ChatGPT, represents one of the most exciting technological advances since the iPhone
  • First, ChatGPT's output does not include sources or references. It is impossible to determine the credibility of an answer by identifying and looking up the primary source
  • Second, ChatGPT does not retrieve real-time data or information. The model stops at 2021, making it less useful for the needs of current searches
  • Nevada solves both of these problems

On ChatGPT

After playing with it for two days, It's marvelous. We will never see Demise of Chatbots in 2017 again. This can kill Google. People want information, not data. People, in the past, searched (and used Google) because it was the best bet to find information.

But if an AI can search for you and only return the trim down the answer, why would anyone take the effort to find Information among Data?

20여년 이어져온 구글의 시대가 끝나가는 것이 느껴져요. 아, 구글이라는 회사 말고, 구글이라는 검색이요. 원래 사람들이 원하는 것은 검색이 아니고 정답이거든요. 다만 그 동안은 정답을 얻을 수가 없었기에 검색을 했을 뿐이지요. 그런데 이제 인공지능 덕분에 진짜 답을 얻을 수 있게 되어가고 있어요. 그럼 검색은 더 이상 필요 없어지는 것이지요. 엊그제 나온 OpenAIChatGPT에 많은 사람들이 놀라고 있어요. 모든 것의 정답을 주지는 못 하는데요. 그래도 모든 것의 정답을 주는 기계의 느낌이 살짝 나긴 해요. 구글(검색)의 시대는 끝나가고 있어요. 아참, 새 시대도 구글(회사)가 열 가능성이 꽤 크긴 해요. 구글이 (마이크로소프트 등이 그랬던 것처럼) 자기 스스로를 죽일 수 있다면 구글에게도 기회가 있을 텐데요. 구글이 딥러닝에 투자 하는 것을 보면... 구글은 다시 태어날 준비는 충분히 되어 있는 듯 해요. Sedong Nam



