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Next.js 15 Font Hydration Error


There's this Next.js Hydration Error. Didn't do anything special:

<span className={cn(fontMono.className)}>


import { JetBrains_Mono as FontMono } from "next/font/google";

export const fontMono = FontMono({
variable: "--font-mono",
subsets: ["latin"],
+ display: "swap",

The issue occurs because the class names change during hydration, even with the same font. Adding display: swap essentially instructs the system, 'Hey, replace this with that when it loads on the client side.'

Display Swap is related initially to CSS font fallback swapping (showing a different font while loading, then switching to the primary font when it is ready).

I'm not entirely clear why this resolves the hydration error issue in next/font, but there's some internal handling of replacing components in next/font with display: swap