Brane Notes
- Currently facing a slight bottleneck.
- Let's not explore ShadowRealm and
Sandbox for now.- Therefore, postponing the multitasking demo for now.
- API Shimming will be hard enough. Shim (computing)
This week's goal
- Explore SharedArrayBuffer, Atomic, and WorkerDOM's Binary DOM manipulation.
- WorkerDOM cannot handle synchronous data exchange.
- Solving this is our key priority right now.
- Objective. Swap WorkerDOM's data transfer layer with SharedArrayBuffer + Shim Core DOM APIs.
- Key Results. Let's try modifying DOM actions on the host side.
Note that:
- This may require a server to swap out DOM actions.
- For example, perform
when a button is clicked. - Instead of appending the code, change the behavior of the DOM.
- For example, perform
- ShadowDOM is already available on WorkerDOM.
- Forced Shutdown and Preloading are all multitasking features.
- Investigate how WorkerDOM terminates an application. This is a Web Spec.
- Especially, try implementing synchronous Layout properties—for example, Framer Motion.
Personal Notes
- Extracranial.
- Found an interesting article Zettelkasten, Roam, Obsidian, RemNote, Notion, and Cong does not work as expected by Olaf Wolkenhauer
- While it provides an excellent birds-eye view of the Digital Zettlekasten ecosystem, it does not offer any further insights on how to improve Digital Zettlekasten.
- In the same vein, I am reading Building a Second Brain these days.
- Would love to dissect Andy Matuschak's work...
- You Are Not Google.
- In essence — Try not to overcomplicate.
- Got Tailscale recommended from work. Quote, Best VPN for developers.