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Work Notes

  • Platform should give users nothing other than trust. Everything starts with confidence that this app is secure, faith that this app will function, and assurance that this app is what you are looking for.
  • 인력이 人力이 아니라 Infra 力일 수도 있겠다. 인프라력. 인프라를 얼마나 빨리, 크고, 안정성 있게 확장할 수 있느냐에 대한 인력 지표. 예: 우리 팀은 In 力이 부족해서 그 기능은 제외해야겠다.

Interesting Web


Coding Tests

Personal Notes

  • 내 생각에 독서는 배신하지 않는 거 같다.
  • Notion opened a new paradigm for low-code websites. Project PEOPLE now create personal websites, event RSVPs, blogs, databases, and much more, which would've been impossible otherwise. It infused so much offline content with an online presence.
  • Better Obsidian

The problem

  • is unstable.
  • Vercel hid the compilation process with its proprietary vercel dev command.
  • This made maintenance a pain.
  • From now on, I will no longer make any improvements in, and invest those time in Open Graph Image as a Service.