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민사고 앱

첫 시작은 1학년에 입학하자마자 깔짝깔짝 만들어본 PPT이다.


그 이후에도 수많은 시도가 있었다. 민사고에는 KMLA Online이라는 인트라넷이 있는데, 처음에는 거기에 합류해서 앱 버전으로 개편할 계획을 가지고 있다가, 과제 마감 기한을 맞추지 못해 불합격된 이후로 오기가 생겨 경쟁적 서비스를 출시해서 KMLA Online페이스북 그룹들의 입지를 전략적 Overtake하려는 계획에까지 이르게 된다. 2017년에는 KMLA Assistant라는 챗봇으로 만들 생각을 하다가 (Demise of Chatbots in 2017) 2018년에는 웹 혹은 플러터 버전으로 만들 생각을 했고, 2019년에는 현실적인 한계들을 알게 되고 어쨌든 그 아이디어들은 훗날 민사페이와 AP Studio Art 최종 앱 디자인 과제에 백서 형태로 제출하며 어느 정도 결실을 맺게 된다.

물론 실제 개발은 삽도 뜨지 못했지만, 나에게 정보 기술에 있어

  • 정보 기술적 자유(일을 더 간편하고 손쉽게)와
  • 정보 기술적 방종(무비판적으로 노출되며 디지털 중독에 빠짐)

의 구분점과 시사점에 대한 생각을 해볼 단초를 제공해줬다. 나는 소프트웨어가 좋아소프트웨어는 무조건 좋은거야를 10대 시절에는 구분에 어려움을 겪었기 때문이다. 독극물적인 소프트웨어가 사람의 정신을 잠식해 나가는 것을 느끼고 있었음에도 기술의 무조건적 확장은 좋은 것이라고 옹호했었다. 하지만, 사람을 이롭게 하는 기술과 사람을 정복하는 트로이 목마적인 기술은 별개라는 사실을 점차 깨달았다. 디지털 중독 참고.

어쨌든, Attention Settings과 비슷한 나만의 프레임워크를 만들기 위해서 노력했다. 편리함은 최대로, 그 편리함으로 인간성을 잠식하지 말 것. 인간 사고의 번영을 위해서 소프트웨어는 온전히 사람을 보조할 것. 소셜 엔지니어링 금지



Bring back your campus life and escape social media

Since 2013, KMLA students used social media for internal communication. It worked, but social media were designed to distract and zombify us.

On top of that, social media needed to offer the features we needed. It barely lived to the word digital; every process was done manually. Students were forced to look through every post and photo to find things relevant to themselves. That also took up a lot of time, leaving the real strength of digital in the dust.

Things could be better. Manual processes could be automated. Irrelevant posts could be filtered out. Forms and documents could be auto-filled. Life could be much easier and faster if we ditched social media and built our home ground while employing all the power of technology but excluding distractions. That additional time and effort could be spent on our real life.


No more clutter.

The main screen only has what you care about and need to care about. Every piece of information is automatically personalized. Even if you need to check the entire list of posts, no worries. They are just one tap away.

More than just a date or weather.

The app shows the school schedule registered in the database and displays the school event if applicable. While also showing the weather, the app determines if morning exercise exists based on the weather and school schedule information.

Glance to go.

Four types of information (meal info, parcel info, weekly cleaning inspection result, and student court result) students look for the most are displayed on the first screen. Also, instead of looking through the entire list of students, the app figures out and shows information about you. Students can tap to see more details.


Your favorite communities pinned.

No more hassle to find your groups. Your favorite communities are pinned on the main page. Although posts you must check are delivered through notifications, you can manually check the recent posts. These pins are fully customizable.

Must-reads delivered right in front of you.

Essential posts are now buried under dozens of irrelevant posts. This can include the latest news that everyone needs to check or posts the authorized users manually decided to display on other's feeds.


Paperwork gone paperless.

Hundreds of sheets of paper are wasted every week through school forms, most simple forms with names and phone numbers. These processes are wasteful, and unclear if they are approved, and it is hard to look again afterward.

Can't be more precise.

Every detail of the documents you submit can be reviewed in this tab. For even more readability, approved forms are marked with a green check mark, and declined forms are marked with a red cross mark.

All of your history is one tap away.

There are occasions when you need to check your previous forms. These are accessible through the box button on the upper-right corner. These forms are only viewable to authorized users, including you and the school. Your drafts are saved here as well.


Type only new information

The app remembers your personal information and auto-fills the same information. This makes the entire process much easier and faster.

Fast, searchable, and paperless.

You can start writing a school form immediately and finish it in minutes. With close cooperation with the school office, we expect to service all official documents here. It's better for you, the school office, and the earth since digital records are fast, searchable, and paperless.

You own your data.

Although the app remembers your personal information, only you can view your sensitive information. Less sensitive data that could help the community are only open to the KMLA Family. All the data are securely encrypted and stored on the server.


Preset suggestion

Barbecue registration is often very bothering; you must fill out everyone's information individually. The app suggests the presets based on your group, class, or school department information.

The final decision is always up to you.

Presets are only meant to make the registration process more straightforward. After applying the presets, you can always add or remove members, change the date, change the teacher, or fine-tune the details. You still have complete control.


Notifications notify less.

The notifications tab has the most simple look; the app only shows unread but necessary notifications by default. The app only makes a prominent alert if there is a new important notification. Past messages are accessible by tapping the box button in the upper-right corner.

No more spam.

The app is designed to make you spend less time online and focus more on real life. Therefore, the app only sends notifications that are relevant or necessary for you.


Your macgyver knife.

The app provides more tools to make KMLA life much more comfortable.

Instantly search for any information on the platform.


Have you ever wondered where D-303 was? Maps include indoor and outdoor maps around the school.

School regulations

Instead of the unfriendly PDF file, this school regulation is kept in rich text form, fully indexed for instant searching, and updated regularly.


Never struggle to find anyone's phone number.

KMLA Wikipedia

Our version of Wikipedia, with a document describing the entire history of KMLA, is accessible here. Every student and teacher can contribute to the KMLA Wikipedia.

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