Finding the size of the directory in Python
import os
import math
def getFileSize(path, kilo=1024, readable=False, shortRead=False):
size = 0
sizeArr = []
units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB"]
if os.path.isdir(path):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
for i in filenames:
size += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(dirpath, i))
elif os.path.isfile(path):
size += os.path.getsize(path)
unit = math.floor(math.log(size, kilo))
for k in range(0, unit + 1):
math.floor((size % kilo ** (k + 1)) / kilo ** k)
if readable:
sizeString = ""
if not shortRead:
for x in range(unit, -1, -1):
sizeString += str(sizeArr[x]) + units[x] + " "
return sizeString[:-1]
return (
+ "."
+ str(math.floor(sizeArr[-2] / 1.024))
+ units[len(sizeArr) - 1]
return sizeArr
C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Documents (Folder)
: 3.13GB (3,366,343,239 Bytes)C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures (Folder)
: 83.4MB (87,468,781 Bytes)C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures\screenshot.png
(File): 139KB (143,262 Bytes)
print(getFileSize("C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Documents")) print(getFileSize("C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures")) print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures\screenshot.png" ) )
Expected Output
[583, 404, 138, 3]
[749, 426, 83]
[926, 139]
Each element in the returned list
is the value of [B, KB, MB, GB, ...] of the file size.
Full Readable Outputโ
print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Documents", readable=True ) ) print( getFileSize("C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures", readable=True) ) print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures\screenshot.png", readable=True, ) )
Expected Output
3GB 138MB 404KB 583B
83MB 426KB 749B
139KB 926B
Short Readable Outputโ
print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Documents", readable=True, shortRead=True, ) ) print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures", readable=True, shortRead=True, ) ) print( getFileSize( "C:\Users\anacl\OneDrive\Pictures\screenshot.png", readable=True, shortRead=True, ) )