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Special thanks to Ishu Agrawal


Heaps are complete binary trees where the value of each node must be no greater than (or less than) the value of its child nodes.


  • Python only supports Min Heaps
  • import heapq
  • heapq.heapify(arr)
  • heapq.heappop(arr)
  • heapq.heappush(arr, x)
  • heapq.nsmallest(k, arr, key=func) returns a list with the k smallest elements in the iterable arr based on a comparator function func
    • Runtime: O(Nlogโกk)O(N \log k)
  • heapq.nlargest(k, arr, key=func)returns a list with the k largest elements in the iterable arr based on a comparator function func
    • Runtime: O(Nlogโกk)O(N \log k)
Find min/maxO(1)O(1)
InsertO(logโกn)O(\log n)
RemoveO(logโกn)O(\log n)
Heapify ArrayO(n)O(n)

List Offsettingโ€‹

You can offset with Python's enumerate function with list splitting.



  • Python Dictionary is a hash map.
  • Lookup time: O(n)O(n) worst when there are many collisions.

Alphanumeric Testingโ€‹

  • c.isalnum()

Making 2d Arraysโ€‹

  • using visited = [[False] * len(image[0])] * len(image) will not work
    • the rows will share the same memory and change in one will reflect on the others
  • use arr = [[0 for i in range(cols)] for j in range(rows)]