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Project Florence


Action itemsโ€‹

  • compare mlp: what's the baseline performance, with full images?
  • "joint embedding"
  • autoencoder
    • try to baseline. have the middle layers to have 40 pixels
    • how good can we get to reconstructing the images?

Can we train an autoencoder, in an federated way?

  • do the full images and see how the reconstruction autoencoder goes?
  • use that autoencoder to see if it can reconstruct partial images
  • try to train the autoencoder in a federated way.


Action Itemsโ€‹

  • compare mlp
    • do max everywhere โ†’ Result: Max did not work well at all
    • do avg(with-zero) everywhere
    • do avg(without-zero) everywhere โ†’ Result: close to avg-with-zeros.
      • random: slightly worse
      • squares: slightly better
  • use dropouts (with normal avg incl. zeros)
    • different neurons are being dropped out randomly
    • framework might handle this

max-avgnonzero doesn't work well


  • CNN โ†’ filtered we 3 by 3
  • random, start with a bigger filter 7 by 7
  • play with some functions, such as max pool
  • we could do dropouts โ†’ forces the network to distribute more info โ†’ it may be more resilient
  • catastrophic forgetting โ†’ learning different tasks make the NN to forget the first one
  • Replay โ†’ include good examples from A when training B.
  • find the necessary weights of the NN after learning the first set,
  • Training the second one makes it very hard for the weights to move.
  • What about we do sum?? Max??
  • Sum/max in the first two layers and average in the final two?
  • Or what if we don't do the average over the zeros?


MLP seems to do well

conv-pool-conv-pooling may be better

abstraction of mlp can ignore the noises?

action items:

  • cnn conv-pool-conv-pool
  • mlp and run it for 200 epochs
  • visualize scatters


  • Randomize each sites to have scattered pixel data (instead of quadrants)
  • Autoencoder
  • Pivot project?



Project Imprunetaโ€‹




  1. Approaches to vertical federated learning
    • Train a network that performs well when given all 20 input parameters
    • Train a network that can make good predictions even with only 10 input parameters
    • Start by testing a simple approach: train on half the data from each site, average the gradients, and repeat
    • Run experiments on MNIST data by splitting images in half and training on the halves separately
  2. Challenges
    • Networks trained on half the data may not learn interactions between the two halves
    • Training on single examples at a time is impractical; need to use batches for efficiency
  3. Experiments proposed
    • Train a network on full MNIST images to get a baseline performance
    • Train networks on half MNIST images to see performance drop
    • Train networks by alternating between the two halves of examples, averaging the weights, to see if performance improves over training on halves alone
  4. The next steps if this approach works
    • Try training on batches instead of single examples
    • Experiment with training for multiple epochs instead of single iterations


Can't we just ensemble them-?

  1. Federated learning and split learning
    • Discuss split training versus federated learning
    • Federated learning converges to a better optimization point than ensembling independently trained models
    • Split learning involves training parts of the network at different sites
  2. Vertical partitioning of data
    • Vertical partitioning of features across different sites can lead to poor individual predictors
    • Training a model that combines the data in a more sophisticated way may perform better
    • Focus on implementations that do not require training parts of the network at a central node
  3. Next steps
    • Look into existing implementations of split learning and vertical partitioning
    • Focus on approaches using deep learning rather than classical models
    • Assume the record linkage problem is solved and focus on the training approach
  4. Action items
    • Search for relevant papers that meet the criteria
    • Filter out papers using classical models instead of neural networks


  1. Vertical Federated Learning
    • The goal is to train a model using data from multiple sites without sharing the raw data.
    • Each site may have different features/columns in their data, but some overlap.
    • The challenge is training parts of the network using the data available at each site.
  2. Record Linkage
    • Matching records across sites to identify which records represent the same entity.
    • Can be done using properties like name, address, phone number, and string similarity.
  3. Inference
    • Once the model is trained, inference is done globally using all available data for an entity, not just at one site.
  4. Potential Conferences
    • NeurIPS in May 2024 is a good target conference. Earlier deadlines may be too soon.
  5. Meeting Plans
    • Thursdays at 2 p.m. at ISI or remotely if needed.