0383 Ransom Note
Solved at: 2023-01-28
Given two strings ransomNote
and magazine
, return true
if ransomNote
can be constructed by using the letters from magazine
and false
Each letter in magazine
can only be used once in ransomNote
class Solution {
func canConstruct(_ ransomNote: String, _ magazine: String) -> Bool {
var map = [Character: Int]()
for (_, char) in magazine.enumerated() {
if map.keys.contains(char) {
print("(char) is in map")
map[char]! += 1
else {
print("(char) is not in map")
map[char] = 1
for (_, char) in ransomNote.enumerated() {
if map.keys.contains(char) {
if map[char]! == 0 {
return false
} else {
map[char]! -= 1
} else {
return false
return true
- Runtime 511 ms. Beats 5.8%
- Memory 14.5 MB. Beats 61.68%
Complexity Analysisโ
Time: Space: -- we can say this because there are only 26 possible keys
Dictionary with finite set of key possible is