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Horizontal Federated Learning

Horizontal Federated Learning, or sample-based federated learning, is a type of Federated Learning where multiple parties collaborate to train a shared machine learning model without directly exchanging their raw data. In Horizontal Federated Learning, different parties possess different samples (or data points) but share the same feature set.


Let's consider a simple example involving multiple hospitals that want to build a machine-learning model to predict patient readmission rates. Each hospital has collected data on various patient attributes like age, blood pressure, medical history, etc., which constitute the features. While each hospital has its own set of patients (samples), the attributes they collect (features) are the same across all hospitals.

How it Worksโ€‹

  1. Initialization. A global model is initialized, often on a centralized server.
  2. Local Training. Each party trains the global model using its local dataset, generating a local model update (e.g., gradient updates).
  3. Model Aggregation. All local updates are sent to the centralized server, aggregating them to produce an updated global model.
  4. Iteration. Steps 2 and 3 are iteratively repeated until the model converges or meets other stopping criteria.

Key Advantagesโ€‹

  1. Data Privacy. Since raw data doesn't leave the local premises, the risk of data leakage is significantly reduced.
  2. Efficiency. Horizontal Federated Learning enables efficient utilization of decentralized data.
  3. Scalability. This approach can be easily scaled to include more parties, thus improving the model's predictive performance.


  1. Communication Overhead. Transmitting local model updates to a centralized server can consume considerable bandwidth and time.
  2. Stragglers. In a distributed network, some nodes might be slower than others, causing delays in global model updates.
  3. Security. Although data is not directly shared, there could still be risks like model inversion attacks, potentially exposing information about the local datasets.
  4. Data Skew. Different parties might have different data distributions, leading to challenges in model aggregation.


Horizontal Federated Learning is particularly useful when data is naturally distributed across multiple entities, but each entity collects the same information. It is widely used in sectors like healthcare, finance, and telecommunications. Using Horizontal Federated Learning, organizations can benefit from collaborative machine learning without compromising data privacy. This enables them to derive meaningful insights from a much larger and more diverse dataset than they would have access to individually.