0003 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
Solved at: 2023-01-30 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters - LeetCode
Given a string s
, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.
class Solution {
func lengthOfLongestSubstring(_ s: String) -> Int {
var maxLength = 0
var substring = ""
for (idx, char) in s.enumerated() {
var candidate = substring + String(char)
while candidate.count != Set(candidate).count {
candidate = String(candidate[String.Index(encodedOffset: 1)...])
if candidate.count > maxLength {
maxLength = candidate.count
substring = candidate
return maxLength
- Time taken: 6 m 48 s
- Runtime 645 ms, Beats 9.21%
- Memory 14.8 MB, Beats 43.95%
Complexity Analysisโ
We can use an array to make this
We can replace candidate.count != Set(candidate).count
to using Sets to check in time, given at one given point substring
must have distinct characters.
Using constant array with alphabets as an index can also replace set.