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useIsClient vs useIsMounted


useIsClient is primarily for handling SSR scenarios, while useIsMounted is for managing component lifecycle and preventing memory leaks or updates after unmounting.

Timing and Purposeโ€‹

  • useIsClient specifically tells you if the code is running in a browser vs server environment
  • useIsMounted tells you if a component is currently mounted in the DOM


  • useIsClient uses useState directly and only sets to true once
  • useIsMounted uses useRef and returns a callback function that checks the ref

Return Value

  • useIsClient returns a boolean directly
  • useIsMounted returns a function that returns a boolean

Here are scenarios where they would differ:

function Example() {
const isClient = useIsClient()
const isMounted = useIsMounted()

// Scenario 1: Initial Server-Side Rendering
console.log(isClient) // false during SSR, true after hydration
console.log(isMounted()) // true in both cases

// Scenario 2: Component Unmounting
useEffect(() => {
const timer = setTimeout(() => {
console.log(isClient) // true (doesn't change)
console.log(isMounted()) // false (component unmounted)
}, 1000)

return () => clearTimeout(timer)
}, [])

return null

Server-Side Renderingโ€‹

  • useIsClient will be false during SSR and initial render, then true after hydration
  • useIsMounted will be true as soon as the component mounts, regardless of SSR

Component Lifecycleโ€‹

  • useIsClient stays true once set, even if the component unmounts
  • useIsMounted becomes false when the component unmounts

Race Conditionsโ€‹

  • useIsClient is better for conditional rendering based on client/server environment
  • useIsMounted is better for preventing state updates after unmounting
// Example where `useIsMounted` is more appropriate
function DataFetcher() {
const isMounted = useIsMounted()

useEffect(() => {
fetchData().then((data) => {
// Prevents memory leak and updates after unmount
if (isMounted()) {
}, [])
// Example where `useIsClient` is more appropriate
function BrowserFeature() {
const isClient = useIsClient()

// Only renders browser-specific features after hydration
return isClient ? <WindowSizeDisplay /> : null